Sunday, May 31, 2009

Make Money with Real Estate Government Home Seized

Do you want to learn how to make money with real estate? Have you always thought that you had to have a ton of money to start buying and selling real estate? Are you struggling to make an income and want a better way?

I am here to show you how to use government home seized real estate listings to make a ton of cash. Yes, you will need some start up capital or a little bit of credit, but you don?t need much of either. You see, in most cases, the government has become desperate to unload the homes they have seized.

This is a GREAT thing for you. This means that the price is going to be very low and they will be much more lenient on credit and down payment. I have even seen circumstances where homes go for under $2,500 with less than $100 down. That is insane.

Now the above example does not happen too often, but there are many homes for sale at 10% or less of their value. All you have to do is obtain one of these properties and you are set.

Once you get one of them, you can refinance the mortgage on this property and get cash out to buy another property. You can also sell this property to earn cash for your next deal. It just depends on how quickly you want to grow your business and how hot the property is on the market.

Once you get past your first deal you will be hooked. You will want to buy properties all the time and sell them just as often. There is millions to be made in real estate and all you have to do is start now and you can be on your way to claiming your portion.

Are you ready to buy government home seized properties? Do you want to make money form seized property sales? Go to the following website to get more information about seized property.

How To Negotiate Real Estate Commissions When Selling A House "As Is"

A real estate commission is a specified charge, which is paid to the agent or the broker hired for the purpose of selling a house. To avoid being duped by paying unreasonable amounts of money as commission, it is advisable for sellers to study the market themselves and get to know the general range of commission rates first. In reality, the commission rates are never fixed and most of the states forbid the Real Estate Commissions from doing so. This means that the agents can quote any price they like as long as the customers are willing to comply with the demands. However, this does not imply that the customers are compelled to pay the stated rates; they have the option of negotiating as much as their negotiation skills allow them to. The competition factor between agents also helps keep the commission rates from soaring too high.

The rules of estate commissions

Usually the Realty companies set the minimum and maximum rates of commission and leave the finalization of the rate to the brokers. The agents however, are not allowed to discuss their company commission rates with agents of different realty companies. No realty company is allowed to advertise its rates to attract customers. The commission to be paid to the seller's agent is decided when the listing contract is being drawn and the commission payable to the buyer's agent is determined when the contract for the sale of the estate is being written. Usually, the total commission is divided equally between both the agents.

Tips to negotiate

Here are certain pointers for you to keep in mind when you try and negotiate the commission payable to you real estate agent:

Study and calculate the value of your home and draw an estimate of how much would be the ideal commission charge for that value.

Enquire about other homes in your area that have been put up on sale and find out how much those owners are paying their agents.

Keep a track on the market trends, whether it is favoring the sellers or the buyers. In case it is supporting the sellers, then the negotiation power lies more with the sellers.

Make a precise budget before negotiating the commission rate.

Before hiring an agent, make a background check to see if he is adequately qualified to carry out the job. Carefully observing the agents' weaknesses and use them to your benefit.

Discuss payment options other than straight commissions such as a flat fee or a dual fee. The dual fee states that a certain percentage will be paid if the house is sold for more than a specified rate.


In the situation where you do not manage to find an appropriate agent or broker, you can always sign yourself with a real estate firm that charges a flat rate instead of any percentage. Moreover, if your house is in a good condition and well maintained, you will not only pay a nominal fee for the sale procedure but also get a good value for your house.


It is advisable that individuals wanting to sell their house do not fall for tempting offers made by certain agents who promise to sell the house at a higher price, and in turn, charge a higher commission. The customers should also be wary of the agent who says that the value of the house is very low and would require a lot of effort and time to sell. These are just tactics to extract as much money as possible from the client.

We will buy your house As Is Now! Forgot For Sale By Owner. Contact us at

Florida For Sale By Owner
Phone 1800.As Is Now, 1800.274.7669

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 3 New Listings $30000 More in Commissions

How to Magnetize Your Ideal Clients

Are You Getting the Results You Want?

If you are working long hours, feeling exhausted, and not getting the results you want, you are not alone. Having been a business coach for real estate agents for over 10 years, I often hear my clients saying things like,

?Why do I always seem to get clients that run me ragged??

?I?m tired of working with clients who aren?t really motivated.?

?Why am I attracting the wrong kind of clients??

The Problem

Are you spending valuable time and precious energy working with your less than ideal clients?

You will know by the way you feel. Do you feel drained of energy, driven to distraction, and discouraged because your efforts are not bringing you a financial return?

If you?re feeling any of those feelings in working with your clients, then most likely your clients are indecisive, unmotivated, unqualified, and unappreciative of your services. This article will tell you how to attract your ideal clients.

The Good News You have the power to attract your ideal clients ? those that you love to work with ? using a powerful tool called the Law of Attraction. Just how powerful is it?

Here is a real-life example of the power of the Law of Attraction at work:

When one of my clients, Marsha, and I first started working together, she was afraid to be assertive. She also had subconscious self-limiting beliefs that were keeping her from reaching her desired goals and income. I helped her transform her beliefs to build a strong foundation for the Law of Attraction to work. The results? Here is what she recently wrote to me:

?Since learning the Law of Attraction from you, I find it easy to set boundaries and speak up for what I need. Using the Law of Attraction principles, I am able to attract my Ideal Clients with ease. But most importantly, when we started, I had zero business. Now I am averaging five transactions a month. That?s an increase of about $30,000 a month.?

If you too want to become a magnet for what you desire, achieving financial success in an easy and relaxed manner, then read on. You?ll learn the 5 steps of the Law of Attraction and how it works, plus get tips on you can apply it.

The 5 Steps of the Law of Attraction

Step 1: Get Crystal Clear on What You DON?T Want.

The Law of Attraction teaches that like energy attracts like energy and you get what you focus on. Given that, it seems odd to focus on what you don?t want, doesn?t it? However, in my experiences of empowering others to reach their goals, I?ve discovered that this is what most people do all the time, unconsciously.

How many times have you caught yourself preoccupied with a lack of desired income, ideal clients, etc? Notice that you?re focused on the lack of something. What are you attracting? More of the same. Get clear about what you don?t want and you can deliberately stop giving it attention. What don?t you want in your real estate career? Make a list and write it down.

Step 2: Get Crystal Clear on What You DO Want.

Now that you know what you don?t want, it?s easier to get clear on what you do want. Look back at your list of ?don?t wants? and for each one, develop a strong, detailed statement of what you desire. For instance, you might write something like: I want a six-figure income, I want to work with clients who are ready, willing, and able to close quickly, and so on.

As you write, challenge your status quo. This is about attracting your big dream. Go for it. And when you?re done, cross off everything on your ?Don?t Want? list. You only needed to focus there long enough to get clear on what you do want.

Step 3: Get Into the Feeling Place of What You Want.

To attract what you desire, find a way to feel good about your ?want? rather than frustrated at the lack of having it. Writing a desire statement helps you do that. This paragraph (about 2-3 sentences) describes what you want as if it were happening right now.

To write your desire statement, get into the feeling place of what you want. How? Ask yourself what serving your ideal client looks like? Visualize holding your dream commission check in your hands. Imagine receiving your desired income easily and effortlessly.

Now write your desire statement and read it aloud. How do you feel? Elated? Grateful? Energized? That?s how you should feel, and it?s how you know you are sending out the positive energy that attracts more of the same.

Step 4: Clear All Your Opposing Beliefs.

Remove all of your self-limiting beliefs so that the Law of Attraction will work for you. This means re-programming self-limiting beliefs and resolving inner conflicts that are not in alignment with what you want.

Don?t worry if you find this challenging. Most people do. Our self-limiting beliefs are usually subconscious, living in what I call a ?blind spot.? Most of the time it requires the skill of a therapist or a coach to help identify these self-limiting beliefs and transform them into empowered beliefs. Even Tiger Woods has a coach to help him get past his blind spot.

What do self-limiting beliefs sound like? Take a look at some typical examples of actual beliefs I?ve heard:

?Maybe I don?t deserve success?

?It?s selfish to want more money?

?I?m not sure I want to be in real estate?

Step 5: Take Inspired Action and Allow It to Come to You.

Take Inspired Action and detach yourself from the outcome. In other words, do what feels inspired based on your intuition and inner nudges. Avoid Frantic Action that comes out of fear and a reactive mode. Once you take action, suspend your doubts and believe that what you want is on the way to you. This puts you in a state of joyful anticipation where your vibrations are high and you are magnetic for what you want.

Practical Tips for Applying the Law of Attraction Everyday

1. Practice Gratitude. Open the door for more good to come to you. Start each morning thinking about all that you are grateful for. Keep a gratitude journal; write in it daily; read it often.

2. Visualize. The more you visualize what you want, the faster it will come to you.

3. Observe Your Own Self-Talk. Stop giving energy and attention to that pesky inner voice that brings your energy and vibrations down. Replace self-sabotaging thoughts with empowered ones.

4. Ask Yourself Throughout the Day, ?What Do I Want?? By doing that, you are focusing your conscious and subconscious mind on what you want to attract and you are increasing your magnetism.

5. Do What Brings You Joy! I have two rules here:

Rule 1: If it gives you joy, do it!

Rule 2: No, really, if it gives you joy, do it!

A Quick Recap: Remember that everything is energy ? every thought, belief, and feeling ? and that like energy attracts like energy. So, focus on what you want, tame your inner critic and send out what you want to attract to become magnetic for your ideal clients, new listings, more in commissions? whatever your professional heart desires.

Here is a letter I recently received from one of my clients:

?Dear Maya,

In the last week I have been really focusing on the Law of Attraction. I have been practicing stopping my negative thoughts, and asking myself, ?So what do I want?? In addition, I verbalized out loud positive affirmations of having my business succeed.

Out of the blue I have 3 new listings in one week. I know that it?s my practice of the Law of Attraction. I have been putting out a very positive energy, and expecting results to come to me, and they have.

By the way, all of my new clients are my Ideal Clients. When I work with them I am uplifted to a higher plane. I know that they appreciate the service that I give them, and that makes my work a pleasure, because that makes my work a win-win. I can?t thank you enough for helping me implement the Law of Attraction into my everyday life.?

Paula, Real Estate Agent

For your complimentary ?Skyrocket Your Business With The Law of Attraction? One-On-One Session, please visit Maya?s website: For more information on powerful marketing tips and tools, visit: Get your Free Mentoring Session, ?Seven Simple Strategies to More Clients in 90 Days.?

For more information on powerful marketing tips and tools, please visit Maya's website: While you're there, get your Free Audio Mentoring Session by clicking the first button.

Miami Real Estate The Summer of 2006

How has the luxury real estate market fared this summer with regards to residential Miami real estate? People who own homes and want to sell, know very well what has happened this summer, because they can feel it. As far as luxury homes in Miami go, things have come to all but a standstill. Prices haven?t really come down much, and therefore we are seeing a whole lot of real estate for sale, but relatively few buyers. In real estate everything takes time, so prices will come down a little more, and homes will begin to sell. That having been said, it is safe to say that we are in a buyer?s market right now.

Statistics aren?t everything, but they do sometimes tell a story, and in Dade County Florida, which includes Miami, Miami Beach, and a number of surrounding cities and communities, there is definitely a story to be told. For example, according to data supplied by the Coral Gables, Homestead-South Dade, Kendall-Perrine, and Northwestern Association of Realtors or their MLS, in the month of August 2006, that?s just last month, there were 28,712 homes and condos on the market for sale in Dade County, but there were only 1,528 sales. The stats go on and on, but suffice it to say that the Miami real estate market needs a boost, and that is going to take some time. The good news is that Miami is a very special place, an international community, where people from so many parts of the world feel right at home, so real estate is still undervalued. Owning real estate in Miami is always a good idea.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Costa Rica Watch Out for the Real Estate Sharks

Thinking about buying real estate in Costa Rica? It could be a great investment or your biggest headache. Read on to learn how to stack the odds in your favor.

Costa Rica does not regulate the real estate business and this leaves you, the buyer, at a huge disadvantage. All real estate agents in Costa Rica are in business for only one reason - to make money. They only make money when they sell a property. All the agent wants is your money. The expression ?shark? is a very fitting synonymous for ?real estate agent.? However, in my opinion, it is it is a derogatory comment about sharks.

Agents can be great people, best friends and can even be from your home country but do not trust them as the final authority with your investment money. They do not have your best interest at heart.

Here is my personal list of real estate stories (lies?) that I have heard from several agents in Costa Rica.

1. All Ticos (Costa Rican's) are out to screw you! I have found that some are and others are not out to take advantage of you financially. After living here for a year, personally I am more leery of Gringos trying to sell me something than the Ticos. This is because I know what the Tico wants but do not know the Gringo?s true agenda. Anyone who uses such generalizations should be included in the group that they are criticizing.

2. ?We don?t mark up property like other agencies...? They may not use the same % of markup (called ?Net Listings? which are illegal in the US) but don?t believe them unless they will let you or your attorney talk directly to the seller to verify the asking price. There is one very well known agent in the northern central valley that has previously openly advertised that he doesn?t mark up properties when in reality he does mark up property whenever he thinks he can do so. I forgot the exact words he used but the gist was: Real estate in Costa Rica is unregulated so we can do anything we want.

3. We charge a commission to the buyer because Costa Rican?s don?t pay commission. What a line if I ever heard one! Costa Ricans are not dumb and they know that to sell the property, they probably have to pay someone to find a buyer. Is the agent double dipping? I don?t know but I am willing to bet that nine times out of ten the seller is paying someone to get the property sold and the agent is making money on both sides of the transaction.

4. You or your attorney cannot talk directly to the seller. The excuse often given is that they are afraid your attorney is unscrupulous and may steal the property or something like that. My supposition is that the agent is either marking the property up and/or charging the buyers a commission while the seller is also paying a commission.

5. ?We have already done all of the due diligence for you.? When problem arises the water or electricity or the neighbors, your agent is not going to pay to fix it, rather he will say something like ?Gee I?m awfully sorry, I didn?t know about that.? One agent is advertising that they have done ALL of the due diligence on their properties before they list them. If that is the case, I wonder why the property I purchased from that agent doesn?t have any water available when he stated to me that it had water on the property.

6. Your agent states that he is making a full and truthful disclosure to you. California has one of the toughest disclosure laws in the real estate industry while Costa Rica has none. One agency in the northern central valley is currently promoting a house they are building on speculation by saying Vulcan Poas is not dangerous. In March, 2006, Vulcan Poas roared back to life (it is and has been one of the two most active volcanoes in Costa Rica) and scientists are now concerned because the water temperature of the lake is some 30 degrees hotter than normal. Is this a full and accurate disclosure? Not in my opinion.

7. Your earnest money deposit is not refundable. Some agents use contracts or ?letters of intent? that state that deposits are nonrefundable and that the seller receives the deposit immediately! You can and should write a purchase contract where your deposit is held in escrow and is refundable if certain conditions are not met. I strongly advise that you think long and hard about a deal if the agent says you have to make a nonrefundable deposit.

8. The seller can change his mind any time he wants and refuse to sell. Again, some agents do not know how to or do not want to write a correct contract. If you have a purchase option and have it recorded, it will be much more difficult for the seller to back out.

9. You don?t need to use your own attorney. Just read our personal experience with attorneys and you will see why it is imperative that your attorney represent you and only you.

10. You have to pay all of the closing costs. The custom in Costa Rica is to split the closing costs equally between the seller and the buyer. Of course you and the seller can agree on other terms but don?t start off by offering to pay for everything - that just makes the job easier for the agent.

11. You don?t need a new plano. Your plano is a legal survey of the property. Unless you get a new plano you will not know for certain that what you are looking at is really what you are buying. It is a fact that some fences are occasionally moved by the neighbors and a lot of older surveys are flawed.

12. Don?t worry about utilities... The previously mentioned agent and his associates use practically the same story for every lot they show to their clients - ?Electricity should cost about $3,000. The road should be about $2,500 and water is right over there.? Just make sure you verify everything with the proper authorities and get real estimates from the people that will be doing the work. Don?t be surprised if you find out that the real costs for installing utilities are up to 10 times as much as the agent stated.

13. The water is safe to drink. Over 90% of the surface water in Costa Rica is polluted with gray water runoff, industrial pollution, farm run-off and human waste. Even the large municipalidades have problems with human waste and gas getting into their wells. If you don?t know where the water is coming from get it tested.

14. Gringos are more honest than Ticos. This is a common misconception or misplaced belief on the buyer?s part that makes them feel more comfortable parting with their money. It is really easy to fall into this ?comfort trap? and believe that all Gringos are honest. The simple fact is that it is easier for a Gringo to sell property or an investment to another Gringo. Think about it - Why are all of the international time share resorts are staffed with Gringo sales people?

15. No, the lot isn?t too steep... If the property is steep you have two options: Build on piers which is more costly or: Cut out a building pad. Either way make sure you allow for adequate drainage. I have seen some lots carved out of a hillside where there is bare earth for forty to fifty feet almost straight up. Landslides are common in Costa Rica, even though it is practically all volcanic soil. Don?t think your lot is an exception unless you obtain an engineer?s opinion. My uneducated opinion is that a retaining wall just delays the inevitable. When in doubt ask an engineer, not your agent.

16. Ticos are not litigious like people from the US. This is an out right lie. There are so many suits pending in Costa Rica, some courts are backed up for up to 10 years.

17. ?I am an expert on Costa Rica real estate.? Ask them how long they have been in the country selling real estate. If they have not lived here full time for at least 10 years, then they, like me, are not experts.

How do you avoid these traps? Check out Living and Building in Costa Rica at

All of these ?myths? are solely my opinions and are based on situations where I have personal knowledge of the facts.

Remember, nobody, including me, cares more about your future than you do. Verify, verify and re-verify before you invest.

David L. McDuffie is a US citizen that has adopted Costa Rica as his new home. Mr. McDuffie is a Custom Home Builder and Home Designer in Costa Rica at You can learn about Discount Architectural Services at

Real Estate Investment in the Fort Hood Texas Area

Buying Investment Property in the Fort Hood, Texas area could be a clever, lucrative move right now. The main cities surrounding the giant Fort Hood military base are Killeen, Harker Heights, Nolanville, Copperas Cove, Kempner, Lampasas, Gatesville and Belton, all sport very reasonably priced single and multi-family homes. The city of Killeen is the 21st fastest growing city of its size in America and the 5th most undervalued for real estate. The areas surrounding Fort Hood are predicted to continue to increase in value over the next few years, even as the overall real estate market in America begins to slow. Major real estate areas such as San Diego, Los Angeles, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Austin, Seattle all slow down (and in some instances even begin to lose value), the areas surrounding Fort Hood continue to climb slowly, but surely.

Multi-Family units are HOT in the Fort Hood area right now, with many investors from other states (California being a major player) are swooping in and snatching these properties up as quick as they can hit the market. The prices on some typical 4-Plex units (2 x 3/2, 2 x 2/2) built only 2 years ago have risen from the high 170K range to an astonishing 220K+ price!

With all of this being said, with the ongoing reorganization of the U.S. military and the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closures) list showing the consolidation of many bases nationwide sending the troops to Fort Hood, where are these folks supposed to live? In YOUR investment properties! Most military families prefer to rent (usually subsidized by the government through a housing allowance) vice purchase a home since they usually rotate to a new base every couple of years. This constant migration of troops in and out of the Fort Hood area provides a steady stream of renters to occupy your housing units, whether they be single or multi family. Just recently, the news was released that soldiers living onbase in housing would soon be responsible for paying their own utility bills, something that the government usually wrote off as a base-wide cost. This move will more than likely send even more troops to search for offbase housing. Also, military renters are much safer renters to have because if there are damages/unpaid rents, the military will intervene on your behalf and assist with the compensation from the military member, to include garnishment of their wages. This being said, the incidence of deadbeat renters in the military is very low.

All of the information provided in this article is freely available on the internet. Opinions regarding military renters are formed from discussions with military housing office personnel and from personnel experience renting to soldiers.

? Patrick Maxam RE/MAX Platinum Real Estate - All Rights Reserved. This article brought to you by and You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice, author name and URL remain intact.

Scottsdale Arizona Neighborhood Overview Something For Everyone

Scottsdale Arizona is located in the north east corner of the Phoenix Metro area. Bordered on the east side by rural Indian reservation lands and mountain ranges and surrounded on the other three sides by Phoenix and the surrounding area, Scottsdale is a collection of neighborhoods that define and capture the spirit of one of the most beautiful cities in America. Here is a quick summary of Scottsdale neighborhoods:

South Scottsdale: Older section of town with condo complexes, small patio homes and industrial areas. Great location near to Mill Street, Tempe and Arizona State University, plus easy access to downtown Phoenix.

Old Town Scottsdale: Once known for the quaint Main Street tourist shops and art galleries, Old Town now offers high end shopping, restaurants, bars and nightclubs. The new waterfront district with luxury high rise condominiums and other loft style and ultra modern style condo projects is providing an exciting new direction.

McCormick Ranch: Centered around several golf courses, this area has a number of home and condo communities in central Scottsdale. Great family oriented residential area.

Gainey Ranch: Located just west of McCormick Ranch is a bit newer and offers some high end shopping, restaurants, and of course golf.

Shea Blvd: Marked by Shea Blvd and located north of McCormick Ranch and Gainey Rance is the Shea Neighborhood. A mix of residential and commercial, the area includes the Starfire Golf Club and the Scottsdale Ranch area which includes lake front communities.

Scottsdale Airpark: Centered by a small airport catering to private jets, this area is a hub of commercial and retail business. From small technology companies to large and small corporations, a number of jobs and companies are located here.

Kierland: Just west of the Scottsdale Airpark is the new, upscale shopping and residential area known as the Kierland. Anchored in part by the Kierland Westin Resort and Spa as well as the Kierland Commons, an upscale shopping center filled with restaurants, this area may some day rival Old Town for a mix of high end luxury living with urban style ammenities.

North Scottsdale: This area north of the 101 highway and the Kierland/Scottsdale Airpark neighborhoods is a collection of luxury, golf course communities. DC Ranch, Desert Highlands, Desert Mountain, Estancia, Grayhawk, Troon and Troon North are some of the main golf course centered communities. There are also a number of smaller developments in and around these areas providing plenty of home, condo and townhome living options. You'll find the city atmosphere has been replaced with Sonoran Desert landscapes and gorgeous mountain views.

Scottsdale offers something for everyone. South Scottsdale is close to ASU. Old Town is the city center with the new high rise/waterfront district. McCormick Ranch, Gainey Ranch and Shea areas are great places to raise a family. Scottsdale Airpark is the commerical and business hub with Kierland providing high end shopping and residential areas. And, North Scottsdale offers golf course and Sonoran desert style living options.

About the Author

Liz Suto is a Phoenix, Arizona Real Estate Agent specializing in the Scottsdale Condo, Loft and Townhome Market. Visit her websites and to easily browse the condo markets by area, complex, style or price and start home shopping today! Liz can also be reached by phone at (623) 810-1273.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pune Property : India's Best Buy

Real Estate prices have been galloping in India over the last few years.

Since 2003 prices in Bangalore have been steadily rising upwards. Property purchased at 400Rs per sq feet has risen to 1800-2000Rs per sq feet within a few years. This is a 400-500% increase in price. Similarly for Noida. A plot for constructing an independent house is not available in Noida today for less than a crore . Why does all this make Pune property attractive?

Pune has been in the Real Estate news for a little over a year. So it's essentially been overlooked vis-a-vis hot IT markets like Bangalore and Noida. Real estate prices are still realistic in Pune. In the Eastern suburbs, you can still buy plots in Kondhva for about 600 Rs. Builders like Nyati, Cloud 9, Clover Village are the major sellers for plots and row houses in this area.

In the Western Suburbs Hinjewadi is the place where all the Real Estate action is happening. This is mainly because of the IT Park situated here. IT majors Infosys, Wipro, Cognizant are already there. New players have been coming in every month. This has resulted in a boom for rental accommodation in this area and also surrounding areas like Aundh, Baner, Bhugaon, Pune University.

A definite lower cost of living, fantastic weather, a small insular city which makes travelling easy, an extremely young upbeat crowd all add to the Pune charm. Pune is just a 3 hours drive over the expressway to Bombay and is well connected by air, road and rail. IT companies are moving to Pune since it's being seen as an extremely 'livable' city. The best property all over India

David Thomoson, an associated editor to , is a contributing author to the for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit for more information on Real Estate, property and classified issues Or write to him AT Any comments and /or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

California Defaults Up 67%

Mortgage defaults rose to a three-year high in California for the second quarter of 2006. The 67% year-to-year increase saw 20,752 default notices sent to homeowners across the state.

When compared to the first quarter, the increase was 10.5%, up from 18,778. There were 12,408 notices sent out in the second quarter of 2005. Notices of default mark the first step in the foreclosure process.

This is an important trend to watch, but doesn't strike us as ominous, said Marshall Prentice, DataQuick's president. We would have to see defaults roughly double from today's level before they would begin to impact home values much.

Prentice added that due to the extreme low numbers of defaults in recent years, most industry experts have expected to see defaults rise as home appreciation slowed.

We hear a lot of talk about rising payments on adjustable-rate loans triggering borrower distress, he said. While there's no doubt some of that is going on, as far as we can tell the spike in defaults is mainly the result of slowing price appreciation.

Slowing prices make it more difficult for homeowners to sell their homes for the amount they owe. Many are left with more debt than home value.

With the increases in interest rates over the past two years, the formerly booming market has begun a slowdown. California defaults hit a low of 12,145 in the third quarter of 2004. During 2004, home prices were gaining over 20% annually.

This year, annual price gains have fallen into single digits in many of California's key markets, according to DataQuick data. As home prices level out, more defaults are expected to come.

In July, median home prices in San Diego and Sacramento counties fell about 1% for the year. Second-quarter defaults rose by 99% in San Diego County and 109% in Sacramento County.

DataQuick reported that defaults remain one-third the peak levels reached in 1996, the last time a housing recession hit California.

Martin Lukac represents and, a finance web-company specializing in real estate and mortgage rates. We specialize in daily updates, mortgage news, rate predictions, mortgage rates and more. Find low home loan mortgage interest rates from hundreds of mortgage companies!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mortgage Marketing How to Find Your Niche

Your success in the mortgage industry is dependent on you becoming an expert. A mortgage marketing plan built around a niche helps you become one.

For instance, if you were remodeling a kitchen with top of the line appliances, would you go to a high end appliance store or a discount department store?

The department store will offer you all kinds of appliances, as well as tools, clothes, etc. while the high end appliance store is an expert at their products. The high end store has a reputation with being cutting edge and finding the best available appliances. And that reputation is well deserved.

With a reputation for excellence, these high end stores don?t have to spend time cold calling for clients. Instead, new prospects seek them out to do business with them. These businesses have successfully found their niche and they are reaping the profit of being positioned as experts.

It?s not difficult to become an expert. It?s possible that you are already on your way. You become an expert when you combine repetition with disciplined research, self-study, continuing education, and practical experience.

When you establish a position within a particular niche, you become a source of information, for clients and real estate agents.

Realtors want to work with someone reliable; someone that understands all the potential problems that can arise in a loan application process. Agents want to work with someone that can save them time and money.

Developing Your Niche

Your first step to developing your niche as your mortgage marketing plan is to take an inventory of your skills. Use the following questions to help you:

  • Are there problems that you frequently solve for Realtors?
  • Have you completed any specialized training?
  • Do you have a favorite loan program?
  • Is there an area that you receive compliments from clients or Realtors?
  • Are you passionate about one aspect of your business?
  • Is there a part of your business that you are best at?

As you look through your answers, are there any consistencies?

Narrow Your Focus

If you have discovered some consistencies from the inventory you completed, you?ve uncovered some potential niches.

When you focus on one niche, you are maximizing your resources. Instead of devoting time, energy and funds to pursue training and experience in multiple facets, or multiple loan programs, you focus on becoming knowledgeable on one.

The more you work in one niche, the more your reputation as an expert is disseminated. And people are more likely to seek out an expert to assist them. You are building your reputation for expertise and excellence. Few Realtors would walk away from a relationship that could be so productive, or from such an established knowledge base.

You also are conserving time and money on your mortgage marketing. Instead of investing double or even triple the amount of time and money on multiple positions, your narrow focus helps you be more productive and offers a greater return on investment. Saving time by focusing on one area also helps you to spend more time focusing on your clients and enhancing your reputation.

Realtors Need You

Don?t assume that other mortgage professionals share your same level of expertise. When you work at developing a singular niche, you often leave competition behind.

Realtors want to be confident about relying on your expertise. For example, ask Realtors to complete a survey about their needs. You?ll find that many of them are willing to share examples of inconsistencies in loan processing or problems with communication between lenders and Realtors. Use these experiences to refine your niche.

Expertise is a commodity that is highly valued. When you develop a niche market, you bring a consistent, expertise voice to service for clients and Realtors. A service that they can count on and that you can build your mortgage marketing plans around.

Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies.

Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet.

Visit us at

Why Mortgage Insurance Can Actually Save You Money

Mortgage insurance provides lenders a form of financial guarantee which protects the lender in cases in which the borrower defaults on a loan. For those looking to buy a home, agreeing to loan terms which include mortgage insurance, increases the purchasing power of the buyer a great deal. Agreeing to buy mortgage insurance allows individuals the opportunity to buy a home with a down payment of only 5%-10%, as opposed to the 20% that is often required when the lender does not have the guarantee of mortgage insurance.

Buyers typically purchase and pay for mortgage insurance in three different ways. These ways include paying in annuals, monthly premiums, or singles. We are going to take a closer look at the available mortgage insurance payment options below:

1.) Annuals: The annuals payment option allows the lender to collect the first year?s premium at closing and then all subsequent payments are made on a monthly basis.

2.) Monthly Premiums: This payment option requires the buyer to only pay for one month at closing and all remaining payments are then made on a monthly basis.

3.) Singles: The singles payment option requires the buyer to make a one-time single payment that is typically financed as part of the mortgage amount.

Mortgage insurance ensures the lender is covered in cases in which the borrower can no longer pay the loan and defaults on it. It is also a powerful bargaining tool for potential borrowers who are unable to come up with a large down payment. Offering to pay mortgage insurance can decrease the amount of ones? down payment by 10% to 15%. But it is important to note that mortgage insurance does not have to be paid forever. After a certain period of time and when certain conditions are met, mortgage insurance is no longer required to be carried on the mortgage.

For more information on better Mortgages as well as great Mortgage Broker tips, tricks, and techniques and money-saving info visit

Overseas Property Investment Tips For Maximizing Your Profits

Overseas property investment is more popular than ever. You can make triple digit gains and many investors do, but many lose heavily, so what seperates winners from losers?

Here we are going to give you tips for overseas property investment that will help you enter the small minority who make the big profits and make your overseas property investment a success.

Here are your 4 tips for overseas property investment success

1. Look for best price in terms of risk ? reward

Many people when trying overseas property investment simply look for the cheapest price they can find and assume that prices will go up in value and they make all sorts of projections but thats all they are projections and not based on reality.

In most instances the cheapest properties do have high profit potential if the market takes off, but in most instances they don?t.

Many investors find their overseas property investment was cheap when they bought it but gets cheaper!

The way to avoid this sceario is to buy property that may not be the cheapest but has the best potential for reward in relation to risk.

This means buying a market that has taken off is attracting investment and has a track record.

2. Buy a trend in motion

Investors in any market to do with money know that ?a trend in motion should be bought? and this applies to overseas property investment.

Regardless, of whether you are buying a villa, a vacation home, or a condo, you want the location you buy to be rising in value.

It?s a fact that if you have a property trend in motion its likely to last for decades, as steady and rising investment attracts more investment.

For example, in Central America Costa Rica has been the leader for years and many investors have made 30 ? 100% profits annually.

Many investors however have decided there is more potential in ?newer markets? such as Honduras, Belize or Nicaragua, but the risk is higher and a long term trend is NOT Established.

Costa Rica has huge established expat community and record investment and the fact that a huge community exists means it?s popular and will grow.

Will potentially unstable and poorer countries come to rival it? Maybe, but you are buying potential and NOT a long established trend.

It?s for each investor to decide how much risk they want to take in their overseas property investments ? A proven market with solid gains and an emerging market with higher risk reward.

Keep in mind that with most new overseas property investment hot spots they remain hot for a while and quietly die.

3. Be careful with location

No matter what country you make your overseas property investment in, don?t buy unless you are buying near developments or infrastructure that will see real estate values rise in price.

Don?t buy in an area you think will become popular. Buy in an area you know WILL become popular as it?s either near new infrastructure such as roads, marina?s etc, or near resorts that are likely to expand.

4. Make sure you know the country

Is it stable, how popular is it, what are your rights?

When buying you need to do a complete review and make sure it?s a safe and stable market for you to invest in.

Get a good realtor with solid track record to help you and don?t try and save by doing your own legal work!

Get an attorney who knows the law and make sure your overseas property investment is done correctly.

Tips to maximize rewards

The 4 tips above for overseas property investment will allow you maximise your rewards and minimize your risks.

You can make more by not following these tips!

The above tips in overseas property investment are ONLY for investors who want solid rewards with low risk ? not pioneers who want to take chances.

Be a pioneer if you wish, many made huge gains but remember most took arrows!

FREE Report!

On How to target large gains with low risk in overseas property investment as well as a focus on Costa Rica one of the most popular overseas property investment destinations with a solid track record of growth visit

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Las Vegas Home Sales

Las Vegas home sales is a booming industry, in which real estate professionals are making loads and loads of profit every day, because of the great popularity of the region. Las Vegas is reputedly the fastest-growing city in the United States of America. Las Vegas is seen as a city that is all about economic growth and, with a short past, holds little sappiness.

The city sports one of the biggest new home construction areas in the country. Tourism development is viewed as the area's foremost employment source. However, Las Vegas lacks the great amounts of aging housing stock that most other transfer destinations possess. The amenities that make Las Vegas one of the best vacation/convention destinations in America also make it a tremendous place to live and work.

Today, new home communities are rising in the southwest and the southwest of the city; in fact just about anywhere land is obtainable. Builders are increasing their prices on a regular basis, thus driving up the price of resale homes. Also, sellers are selling their homes quickly and buyers are buying them at reasonable prices.

With 5,000 to 7,000 people moving to Las Vegas each month, it has become more of a seller's market than a builder's market. The future looks bright for those people looking to invest or buy in what is probably the hottest market in the country.

The most expensive and high-quality housing in Las Vegas is in Anthem and Summerlin, the two strong master-planned societies developed by Del Webb and Howard Hughes Corp., respectively.

Las Vegas Homes provides detailed information on Las Vegas Homes, Las Vegas Home Sales, Las Vegas New Homes, Las Vegas Home Builders and more. Las Vegas Homes is affiliated with Las Vegas Travel Deals.

Do You Understand Real Estate Loan Formulas?

What the real estate loan formula really involves?

All loans are based on a mathematical formula that determines how much you are going to pay. There are five crucial loan variables including: term, interest rate, principal, final value and payment. These are also the five most important terms you need to know before you apply for any loan.

All of them are interconnected and changing any one of them is likely to change the others, though oftentimes not quite as you would predict. There are some rules of thumb about that, but better not rely on them too much. Before you even start thinking about any specific real estate loan you should spend some time learning the variables with a financial calculator.

Term: it is the period used to calculate the loan payment, often the same as the maturity, ie. the time when the last installment is due. Keep in mind though, that in cases the loan maturity is much shorter than the loans term (for example: balloon mortgages). The standard term for a real estate mortgage is 30 years, though in case of amortized loans you can choose a period from 10 to 40 years. Generally the longer the term, the lower the monthly installment, though the change is much smaller than you might expect.

Interest rate: is the amount of money charged by the loan creditor for lending you the money. It is usually a percentage of the sum you borrow. The rate is charged every payment term, but it is customarily quoted on an annual basis. A 6% interest rate is customarily, 12 multiplied by 0.5% (in case of monthly payments). The lower interest rate, the less you have to pay. The effect is greater in case of long-term loans.

Principal: this term can mean either (1) the portion of the installment that is used to reduce the balance or (2) the total amount of money being financed. Generally, the principal (1) should be higher than the interest rate, otherwise you will suffer from negative amortization (your debt will grow even though you pay the installment). The higher the principal (1) is the less is the final value.

Final value: this is the total sum you pay for the loan (all installments plus all additional fees). The final value at the end of the mortgage should usually be zero, meaning that the debt has been paid in full. Keep in mind that the lower final value you want to get, the higher installments you will have to pay.

Payment: your monthly (rarely quarterly) amount due. This important variable determines whether you can ultimately afford a loan or not.

A word of warning: while it is relatively easy to run the formula on a financial calculator, it is very difficult to do that on paper, even if you were good at Math in the college. An online financial calculator is much faster and doesn't make mistakes.

Remember, when you choose a real estate loan for yourself, you have to know all five variables ? only then will you be able to determine what you can actually purchase. Oftentimes it is actually better to go for higher monthly payment if it means lower final value. On the other hand, you might want to stretch your loan (longer term and higher final value) to get more money for a low installment... The number of possibilities are immense, but you have to know what they really are if you are going to profit from them.

Good luck with your real estate ventures.

J. Kane is a Webmaster and publisher for For more information on real estate financing, visit

Monday, May 25, 2009

Passport to Integration

Yes we need the passport to travel and most of us use it as a form of ID once we first settle here, but the passport I am referring to is not paper. With more and more families with young children relocating in this area they are the ones with the special passport.

Children are treasured here as they are perceived as the future of this country. With a falling birth rate, Spain welcomes families with open arms. Children integrate fast especially if they are under ten years old. The change of language and culture does not seem to faze them.

Once the young ones join the local school, the invites and involvement in community events start. The children are the reason on both cultural sides, all benefit from this liaison, not only in language but broadness of understanding. Children are the common link and from the friendships they form at school their parents are absorbed speedily into the Catalan way of life.

As an estate agent, I cannot answer, the often anxious questions from parents about how their children will cope with the changes. I cite the families I know and how they have integrated, make a few phone calls and introduce them to others who have already settled here. These families are the people I admire the most, their firm belief in making the change in location to benefit the family is only matched by the speed in which their children help the parents integrate. I wish I had moved here years ago with our daughter and given her the multicultural advantage these children have.

We live in a village but work in the city of Tortosa, the positive changes and attitudes have surprised us over the last few years. With courage the little tots come and say ?hello? often with the praise from the adult accompanying them. On a daily basis I get purloined in shops and cafes by all generations wanting to practise their English language skills. With their enthusiasm it is not always easy to stop them and get the exchange balanced, how many of us have got a Catalan or Spanish phase rehearsed only to have the response returned in English. But we keep trying if only to amuse, also the follow incident which happened last year still makes me smile.

Watching an English family with two young children, the parents were struggling to be understood, but in steps the eight year old girl was confident, after a few months living in this country, to explain what the Mum and Dad wanted to say. The power of communication did not go to this little girl?s head, there was an air of amusement to find she was able to do something better than her parents! What also amazed me was how she was able to relate to her elevated status and have fun. Her Mum needed the advice from the Pharmacist but the daughter was going to make her own comments on Mum?s health. Mum was not aware of her slant in the conversation. Yes, this ?Little Darling Daughter? was explaining personal facts and adding a few of her own views to the surprise of those locals within earshot. I was quite relieved that Mum?s non-understanding saved her the embarrassment that the pharmacist now knew what caused her condition and what was said at home! Out of the mouths of babes - Swotting wasps in a bikini is neither wise nor advisable!

New Hampshire Mortgage What to Expect When Buying a Home in New Hampshire

Maybe you?re buying your first home in New Hampshire, or perhaps you?re relocating to New Hampshire from another state. Either way, it?s important that you educate yourself on New Hampshire home loans before shopping for a home and mortgage. This article explains what you?ll need to know before buying a home in New Hampshire:

The median price of a home in New Hampshire is $133,300. Recently, homes in New Hampshire have been appreciating at rates above to the national average. As a result, income levels in many parts of New Hampshire are too low to purchase a median-priced home with a conventional loan. In fact, homeowners in many New Hampshire cities pay more than the recommended 30% of their incomes toward housing.

Average interest rates in New Hampshire are below the national average, and job growth rates are also below the national average. However, New Hampshire has seen a spike in its population in the last few years. In fact, New Hampshire has had the highest population growth in all of New England.

In New Hampshire, lenders may charge fees and points for services rendered in conjunction with a first mortgage on a primary residence. However, the lender has to issue a written disclosure that states the amount and purpose of all fees and expenses.

Jessica Elliott recommends that you visit Mortgage Lenders for more information about New Hampshire Mortgage Rates and Loans .

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Benefits of Using a Los Angeles Real Estate Broker

Are you a Los Angeles resident who is interested in selling your home? If you are, have you made a decision as to how you want to sell your home? Homeowners who are interested in selling their homes have a number of different options. One of those options includes the use of a Los Angeles real estate broker.

Many homeowners wonder why they should use the services of a Los Angeles real estate broker. There are a number of benefits to using one. If you are about to sell your home, you should familiarize yourself with the benefits of using a Los Angeles real estate broker. Doing so will enable you to make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to sell your own home or seek assistance.

Perhaps, the most important benefit of using a Los Angeles real estate broker is the assistance that you will receive. Real estate brokers are often referred to as real estate agents. Each person, no matter which name they choose to go by, should be trained and experienced in customer service. This training will allow a real estate broker to offer you the utmost service, as well as potential buyers.

A knowledgeable and helpful real estate broker is important to the successful sale of a house. In addition to being trained in customer service, real estate brokers will assist you all the way through the selling of your home. This means that they will not only deal with potential buyers, but advertise the sale of your home, and work with lawyers or accountants. Basically, they will stay with you until the sale is officially completed. All of these features are beneficial to homeowners.

The proper advertising of your home is important because it enables potential buyers to visit your home or even know that it is for sale. Many homeowners are inexperienced when it comes to advertising and marketing. This is why many for sale by owner homes sell for less than they actually should. The knowledge and marketing experience that most real estate brokers receive will not only help your home sell, but it may also drive up the value.

If and when your home receives a buyer, that individual will likely escrow the money for the home. Arranging and managing an escrow payment is a difficult task. Many home buyers have accountants or lawyers on hand. Dealing with these professionals may be overwhelming. If you use the services of a Los Angeles real estate broker, you may not even have to have contact with these individuals. Many real estate brokers in the Los Angeles area will process and monitor all payment methods used by potential buyers.

As a homeowner, you have the final say in whether or not you want assistance with selling your home. If you offer your home as a for sale by owner home and the process is not going well, you can always seek assistance from a professional if you need it.

Brad Horn is a writer for 1 percent realtor where you can find a great resource for information regarding a Los Angeles Real Estate Broker

Sarasota Real Estate: Benefits of Directories to Visitors

Most people who are looking for a particular telephone number would flip open the Yellow Pages. Directories are so much a part of our mundane living that its presences is usually taken for granted. There are several types of directories. The building directory helps one find the right office or apartment. The employee directory will helps one find the right person in the right department. A film directory helps one find a particular by title, subject, actors, director or producer.

Another type of directory that is relevant for Sarasota real estate investors is the real estate directory. What is it exactly? Like most online directories found on the Internet, a real estate directory is a listing of Web sites, which are classified and indexed in some particular order in order to facilitate searching. Depending on the real estate directory, the listings available will be indexed according to region, agent, type of property or price ? and often all of the above. Other sections will be clearly labeled as well?a comprehensive real estate directory offers more than just properties for sale. You?ll find listings for appraisers, inspectors, home improvement sites, contractors?almost anything that has to do with real estate.

Unlike a single realtor site, a Sarasota real estate directory will cover listings from various sources. Thus, it gives a searcher the widest possible variety of listings to search through. A trip through a Sarasota real estate directory will give a good feel for the general market conditions in Sarasota. It also facilitates searching of a realtor who is listing the properties one is interested in buying.

While traditional search engines are good venues to start seeking for home listings, one will often have to browse through several pages to get past the listings for home mortgage companies, a few dozen single realtors, several realty listing sites that only lead to more realty listing sites. On the other hand, by going directly to a real estate directory, one cuts out the sifting through pages of unrelated info and get straight to what is being searched for. An indexed directory of current real estate listings in Sarasota simply makes it easy to find the homes one wants to buy in this sunny city in Florida.

Finally, the best Sarasota real estate directory does not end with providing listings of homes for sale like many realtor sites do. One will usually find listings for Web sites that talk about how to prepare a home for sale, how to put a home on the market, which home improvements offer the most return on investment, mortgage and loan companies and so much more.

Earl Juanico

The Difference Between a Real Estate License and Broker License

You've decided that you want to get your real estate license. You've heard of a broker license too. What is the difference between these two real estate professions? Unless you've been involved in a real estate transaction or are familiar with the careers, you might not know the exact differences.

If you want to pursue your real estate license, you should thoroughly understand the similarities and differences.

All states require that real estate sales professionals, including salespersons and brokers, be licensed by that state. Brokers will generally be required to complete more real estate education and experience than a salesperson.

A real estate agent is usually an independent contractor who provides his or her services to a licensed real estate broker on a contract basis. In return, the real estate broker pays the salesperson a portion of the commission earned from the agent's sale of the property.

Real Estate Salesperson - An individual who can show property for sale on behalf of a seller, but who may not have a license to transact the sale and collect the sales commission.

* Assist sellers in marketing their property and selling it for the highest price.
* Assist buyers in purchasing suitable property for the best possible price.
* Acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller.

Real Estate Broker - A person licensed by his or her particular state to charge a fee for bringing a buyer and a seller together to purchase real estate.

* Assist sellers in marketing their property and selling it for the highest price.
* Assist buyers in purchasing suitable property for the best possible price.
* Acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller.
* Buys and sells real estate for a company or individual on a commission basis.

Real estate salespersons and brokers perform many of the same duties including: obtaining listings, determining sales price; showing properties; assisting with financing; selling property; overseeing inspections, and more.

The state examination, which is more comprehensive for a real estate broker than an agent, includes questions on real estate transactions and laws affecting the sale of property. Most states require that a real estate salesperson complete between 30 and 90 hours of instruction. A real estate broker needs between 60 and 90 hours of real estate education and a specific amount of experience selling real estate (usually 1 to 3 years).

Heather Brunson is a lead marketing writer for Allied Schools. She has a B.A. in Journalism with an emphasis on public relations. She has additional experience in technical writing.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Illinois Foreclosure

There are two (2) types of foreclosures in Illinois: 1) Consent Foreclosure and Judicial Foreclosure.

Both are used in the state for specific purposes.


A consent foreclosure is when a bank either by filing a complaint or a motion agrees to:

1) Waive any and all rights to a personal judgment against all homeowner and guarantors.

2) The offer is made in the complaint or by motion with notice to all parties.

3) All lenders expressly consent by answer to the complaint.

4) No other party objects to the entry of judgment.


Any party with an interest in the mortgaged real estate can object to the consent judgment. If an objection is lodged:

1) a hearing is ordered

2) The objecting party must show good cause why judgment should not be entered ( loss of lien)

3) Judge will then determine the required amount to redeem the property and keep it out of foreclosure.

4) Judge will give the objecting party 30 days to redeem and get title vested to it.

The order is for the objecting party with the least priority to pay up the line. Failure of the objecting party to pay allows the court to order objecting party to pay interest and costs including attorney fees for the 30 day delay.


The complaint is filed in the court and must contain the following information:

1) Name of the parties: Required parties are the lender and all homeowners, other parties are:

a) All parties with a possessory interest in the real estate.

b) Spouse of owner who has waived the homestead.

c) Guarantors of the note

d) State of Illinois

e) United States ( IRS liens etc)

f) Any assignee of the mortgage or the property

g) Any holder of a mechanics lien

If a party is not named in the foreclosure, they may intervene at any of the following times:

1) Any time prior to the entry of judgment.

2) 30 days after notice has been given.

3) By courts discretion prior to the sale date.

4) After sale but before order confirming sale: Here the lien holder only receives a claim on the proceeds of the sale not any interest in the real estate.


In each foreclosure complaint the following information must be included in the complaint:

1) Name of the parties

2) Copy of the mortgage will be attached.

3) Copy of the promissory note will be attached.

4) Nature of the mortgage instrument.

5) Date that the mortgage was entered into.

6) Name of bond and homeowner

7) Date and location of the recording of the mortgage

8) Legal and common description.

9) Statement of the default

10) Name of the present owner

11) Name of all persons joined in the action to terminate their interests

12) Name of person?s bank is looking for a deficiency judgment against.

13) Facts supporting a shorter period of redemption from seven months from date of service of summons or publication or three months from the entry of judgment

Reasons for a shorter period of redemption

1) Nonresidential Real estate ( 5 family or more)

2) Abandonment

3) Value of the house is less than 90% of the amount owed.



The homeowner is allowed to reinstate the loan in default up to 90 days after service upon all parties by paying the outstanding bills.

If the court finds that the homeowner has reinstated then they are barred from reinstating again on the same mortgage for 5 years.

The homeowner can waive the right to reinstate only after the commencement of a foreclosure complaint. The waiver must be done in writing and the bank must waive the deficiency judgment.


The owner and a senior lien holder can redeem the property prior to the auction. The redemption period is the later of:

1) 7 months from the date of service of the complaint.

2) 3 months from the date of judgment.

There are two (2) exceptions to the periods listed above they are:

1) 60 days after judgment if the court finds the value of the real estate is 90% of the judgment amount. See consent foreclosure.

2) 30 days after the judgment if the property has been determined to be abandoned.

The redemption period can be extended by order of the court. It must be a specific order.


If the bank wins the bid, the previous owner shall have a special right to redeem the property for a period of thirty days after the confirmation of sale.


The homeowner must pay the attorney for the bank the required amount within the period of redemption.

If the bank refuses to accept payment or if the owner objects to fees, then the owner shall pay the full amount into court along with a written statement specifying the objection.

The clerk will then forward to the bank all nonobjected to funds. The clerk will then give a receipt to the owner redeeming the foreclosure and file the receipt in the foreclosure record. The bank must then promptly furnish the owner with a release.

Objection Procedure

1) Clerk holds the amount objected to.

2) Hearing is scheduled

3) Court makes order determining what needs to be paid

Right to possession of the property

1) Prior to the entrance of the judgment and up to 30 days after the confirmation of the sale the property will be occupied by the homeowner.

2) After the appeal period 30 days after confirmation of sale property to the high bidder.

3) The court that confirmed the sale can hear and grant a supplemental petition for possession. ( kick out of prior tenant)


Basically the foreclosure procedure takes about eight months from the filing of the complaint to the confirmation of the sale in this state. Certain advantages need to be taken into account. They are:

1) The auction is not the last say on the property. We can and should chase the homeowner up to the confirmation of sale.

2) In the event that the bank wins a bid we have 30 days from the confirmation of the sale to talk with the homeowner and make a deal.

3) Judicial foreclosure state we will need a lookup specialist in the court house.

Online Real Estate Courses

Buying a home is a major decision because it involves choosing a place where you will live for a number of years. This decision also has major implications on your financial status because of the usually high cost of homes and the loan applications that accompany such purchases.

Due to the enormity of the decision of purchasing a piece of property, most buyers solicit the help of real estate agents. Real estate agents are persons licensed by the government of a certain jurisdiction to handle real estate sales. Usually, real estate agents are under the employ of real estate brokers who can be either individuals or companies that have overall responsibility for the actions of real estate agents. There are also instances when real estate agents use the services of real estate appraisers to help them determine the market value of a home that is put up for sale.

Getting a License

Given the delicate and complex nature of real estate transactions, it is important that buyers get the right information so that they are properly guided in their decisions. Real estate agents, brokers, and appraisers need to have an understanding of the market and the technical aspect of real estate. To be able to get a level of competence in real estate, these persons need to take courses on the different aspect of real estate and take a licensing exam so that they can be certified by the state as persons who can handle real estate transactions.

Traditionally, people who wish to become agents, brokers, and appraisers enroll in institutions that offer courses on real estate subjects and take the subsequent exams for licensing afterwards. However, it is now possible for people who to take these courses in the comfort of their own homes because online courses are available on the Internet.

Online Courses

A search on the Internet can lead to you to a large number of online schools that offer real estate courses. Under this set-up, students enroll online, receive their materials through e-mail and they take exams online. These online courses promise that taking these courses is the same as or even better than the traditional way because students do not have to deal with the problems of traveling and face to face communication with instructors. These courses also offer review lessons on how the students can improve their chances in the licensing exams given by the government. Apart from being more convenient, these online courses also offer potential agents more opportunities since real estate courses on the different states are also offered. Given this new development, people who wish to be agents can now also avail of the benefits that the Internet offers.

Real Estate Courses provides detailed information on Online Real Estate Courses, Real Estate Agent Courses, Real Estate Appraisal Courses, Real Estate Broker Courses and more. Real Estate Courses is affiliated with Phoenix Real Estate Schools.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Agent Marketing Minute: Marketing is not Advertising

Real estate agents wear many hats including one for marketing, advertising , merchandising, and publicity hat. Many agents think these are all one and the same. To be effective you need to know the difference and use all four to reach target real estate markets. Let's explore what each is and a brief example.

Advertising is any means by which an organization seeks to influence thoughts or actions of an individual, usually used to sell a product (house) or service (agent), or to promote good will. Example: an open house ad in the local newspaper. Marketing is all aspects of the advertising, merchandising, and selling of goods and services. An agent's annual marketing plan identifying the goals to be achieved and actions to be taken in the coming year. Merchandising is the promotion of the sale of goods and services through advertising and publicity. Think of merchandising as a physical tribute of marketing. Example would be a four-color brochure describing the physical features of a listing. Publicity or public relations is a promotion tool that motivate the public to take notice of a person (agent), product(listing), company (brokerage). Example is a press release and resulting article in the newspaper featuring an agent's support of a Habitat for Humanity project.

Mark Nash is the author of Fundamentals of Marketing for the Real Estate Professional, Starting & Succeeding in Real Estate, Reaching Out: The Financial Power of Niche Marketing, and 1001 Tips for Buying and Selling a Home. Mark is a contributing writer for: Realtor (R) Magazine Online, Broker Agent News, Real Estate Executive Magazine, Principal Broker, and Realty Times. He contributes residential real estate analysis to Business Week, CBS The Early Show, CNN,, The New York Times, and USA Today. View his books at

Take the Time to Find the Right Realtor

If you have ever purchased or sold a home you will have realized that there are many agents out there to choose from. The decision on who handles your real estate transaction for you can affect the bottom line. There are a few things you need to consider when looking for a good realtor.

If you aren't really sure you want to sell your home or if you have all the time in the world, you might just do alright selling in yourself. This will save you on the commission payment, giving you more in your pocket towards your next home. If you have a set time frame for selling your home, you will want to list with a good agent.

To find the right agent for you, you will have to do a little homework.

You need to ask the following questions before you decide:

  • Where do they do their marketing? You need to know how the realtor plans to get your home the needed exposure to sell. Ask if they advertise in real estate magazines, on television, radio, in newspaper or on the internet. Ask them to give you specific experiences of successful advertising.
  • What is their background? You will have to decide whether experience is more important to you than rookie enthusiasm. Let the number of homes sold in the past six months be an indicator of an agent that is on a roll.
  • How long does it take them to sell a home? Find out what types of homes they list, including the price range. Many realtors like to specialize. Find out how many homes they represent at one time. You want to see that they have sold homes like yours before. Don't be afraid to ask for the names and addresses of satisfied customers.
  • Is the agent associated with a reputable agency and a member of the state and national Realtor Association?
  • What commission percentage will they accept? See if they will list your home at a lower percentage, especially if they expect it to sell quickly. You don't want to list with a agent that will give you a really extremely low commission percentage. After all, you get what you pay for. You can usually find a realtor between four to seven percent commission, if you ask.
  • Will they refund a part of their commission if you also purchase a home with them? Many realtors will give you 1% of the commission back to you if you use them in both the selling and the buying.
You want to make sure that the agent is someone you can talk to. They really need to focus on you and listen to what you are looking for in a home. Be wary of agents that want to list your home for an entire year. Ask for three or four months instead. Remember, you are hiring this person. They are looking for your business. There a plenty of agents out there. Just keep looking.

Martin Lukac represents and, a finance web-company specializing in real estate and mortgage rates. We specialize in daily updates, mortgage news, rate predictions, mortgage rates and more. Find low home loan mortgage interest rates from hundreds of mortgage companies!

Loan Officer Training: The Truth About Realtor Marketing

Why can't I get more loans from realtors? Why are realtors so difficult to work with? Nearly every loan officer has asked him/herself one of these questions at some point. Unfortunately, while there are plenty of companies that claim to offer solutions, many of these so called solutions turn out to be nothing more than the same information you have seen a thousand times before.

Thankfully, this article is not the same old information repackaged to look new. In fact, my goal in writing this article is to open up the eyes of as many originators as I can to the truth about marketing to realtors.

With this being such a broad topic, it is difficult to find a good starting point. I finally decided to begin with a discussion about why realtors act the way they do. I decided on this as a starting point because of the fact that so many loan officers seem to complain about the attitude they seem to encounter when marketing to realtors. Here are the most common complaints I hear in regards to agents:

*Realtors are too hard to work with

*Realtors already have loan officer relationships

*Realtors stick their nose in my business

*Realtors expect too much

*I can't deal with the condescending attitude

These are just a few of the many complaints I have heard from loan officers around the country. If you're reading this article then I'm sure you have some of these complaints as well. Perhaps you contacted a few realtors yourself only to be greeted with a negative tone and attitude? If so, then now it is time to find some answers.

Answers, We have some!

In order for us to understand why we are treated the way we are when attempting to build realtor relationships, we need to experience exactly what agents experience. We can do this by looking at the past few years.

In the last few years market conditions have been favorable enough to allow just about anyone with decent sales skills to enter the field and earn a very comfortable living. This continued long enough for mortgage companies to resign themselves to hiring just about anyone with a breath and a pulse just to keep up with the demand for refinances.

While this may have worked out well for those doing the hiring, it wreaked havoc on the reputation of those who are in this business for the long haul. Even under the best of conditions loan officer education tends to leave the student thirsty for proper education, so you can imagine the depth of training that is offered when speed is the primary focus.

Let's go a little deeper into this scenario and fast forward to our current market condition. As interest rates have moved upward and the easy deals have dried up, many of these loan officers who have survived on nothing more than refinances for the past year or two are now receiving a wake up call. With the easy business gown, many of these originators have either exited the business or attempted to replace the refinance income with purchase business.

It doesn't take much of an imagination for you to visualize the outcome of this scenario. Thousands of desperate loan officers who have never originated a purchase transaction before can easily create a negative image of our profession. In fact a recent survey was conducted to rate the level of consumer confidence in various professions. The results showed that consumer trust in loan officers was only slightly higher than the profession of used car salesman. What does that tell you?

Now imagine that you are a real estate agent and your paycheck depended on this group of individuals. Imagine how often these agents have been hit up for business by desperate loan officers.

In fact, you don't even have to imagine as we have some figures for you. After conducting a survey with over 100 local real estate agents (Midwest) we found that the average realtor is contacted for business by loan officers an average of 35 times per week! Think about that for a moment.

Whenever you begin to wonder why a realtor is somewhat short with you on the phone, remind yourself that this could be the 35th time this agent has been contacted this week. To be fair, I do need to clarify that this number of 35 contacts per week does include direct mail and email as well. However this does not include all of the other affiliates who are also looking for business such as title reps, real estate attorneys and appraisers.

If you were to stop and consider the implications of this information, you would realize that this means that each month, the average realtor is receiving around 140 messages that are intended to ask for business in one way or another.

That's a lot of marketing chatter to filter through! If this agent has been in business for even one year, this means that he/she has listened to thousands of messages from other loan officers and has probably heard just about every beat around the bush approach and promise you could imagine.

How long do you think it would take for you to build up a wall of sales resistance in a similar situation? Just think about the way we treat telemarketers if they call and interrupt dinner a few times in one night? Are we eager to hear their sales message, or do we blow them off? Perhaps we even join the Do Not Call list to actively protect ourselves from hearing these sales messages. Are you beginning to see how agents must feel?

One other thing to keep in mind is that throughout these thirty five contacts per week the number 1 most common pitch heard by these agents is I'm here to help you build your business. or I have leads to share with you. A close second is We have great service and great products.

If everyone else is using this approach, what do you think happens when you do too? You are brushed off as just another loan officer who over-promises and under-delivers just like everyone else.

This is definitely not the first impression we want to make with agents. As if this weren't bad enough we also cannot forget about the loan officers who are willing to do or say anything to get a loan. These are the people who are giving us a bad name in the industry and destroy our credibility. Just about every real estate agent has worked one time too many with a loan officer who caused major problems throughout the purchase process through lack of communication, and underhanded tactics.

With all of this going on, it's time for us to stand up and take responsibility for our current situation. If we are using techniques and scripts that make us appear to be just like every other loan officer out there, is it any wonder that we keep hearing the same objections over and over again?

Once we take responsibility for this situation, we are free to do something about it. The great thing about this process is that once we minimize this problem, we minimize others as well. For instance, have you ever worked hard to get an appointment with a real estate agent, work hard to impress him/her during the meeting, only to hang your head in frustration as the agent promises to give you business, but never delivers?

The solution to this problem is just about the same as the solution to the first problem. See, both of these attitude patterns are caused by either a lack of trust or a lack of credibility, or we simply have not demonstrated enough value to justify the agent taking the risk of using a new loan officer.

Whenever a real estate agent uses a new and untested loan officer you need to realize that not only are they risking an unpleasant process, but also their entire paycheck, credibility and potential for referrals. If an agent sends a client to you and things go wrong, the finger of blame is pointing at both you and the agent.

Now that we have seen some of the causes of the problems we face when working with realtors, we want to discuss the solution. In the name of keeping this article relatively short and free of fluff, I have created a second article dedicated to offering solutions to the problems discussed here.

You are only moments away from receiving part 2 of this series. To receive the solution to the problems discussed here, simply forward your request to You will receive part two shortly. Have you signed up to participate in my free marketing training calls? Why not sign up for our next call when requesting this article? Space is limited so RSVP early!

Average Joe L.O. provides marketing solutions that are designed with the 'average' loan officer in mind. If you are tired of the hype, and are looking for real world solutions to generating more business feel free to take advantage of our free articles,videos and audio downloads at

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Types of Real Estate Deeds

Real estate deeds are part of the process of taking title in a property. Title is the right to hold an ownership interest in a property, the right is transferred through a deed. There are several common forms of deeds. Review the type of deed that you will receive from the seller of the property you are purchasing with an experienced real estate attorney.

-General warranty deed. This type of deed ensures the grantee (buyer) the greatest protection. Investigate the laws in your state pertaining to this deed type.

-Special warranty deed. This deed type offers the buyer two guarantees from the seller. The first guarantee is that the seller received title and the second one guarantees that the seller did not encumber (anything that lowers the value, use or enjoyment) the property during the time the seller owned the property.

-Bargain and sale deed. Has few warranties offered by the seller to the buyer. Buyers should require that title insurance be issued in conjunction with this deed.

-Quitclaim. If the seller offers this type of deed, buyers should understand that a quitclaim offers them the least protection of any deed type.

-Deed in trust, reconveyance deeds, and deeds executed pursuant to a court order are unique deeds and you should consult an attorney about their use in your state.

-In most states basic deed requirements include; the seller has the legal right to transfer the property, an identifiable buyer, a clause from the seller (grantor) conveying the property to the buyer (grantee), a legal description of the property (usually from a survey), consideration (something of value), and the signature of the seller. The seller must deliver a deed to the buyer and the buyer accepts. When all of these steps are completed the title to the property will be passed from the seller to the buyer.

Mark Nash is the author of Fundamentals of Marketing for the Real Estate Professional, Starting & Succeeding in Real Estate, Reaching Out: The Financial Power of Niche Marketing, and 1001 Tips for Buying and Selling a Home. Mark is a contributing writer for: Realtor (R) Magazine Online, Broker Agent News, Real Estate Executive Magazine, Principal Broker, and Realty Times. His tried and true real estate tips has been featured on Business Week, CBS The Early Show, CNN,, The New York Times, and USA Today. Purchase his books at .

A Guide to Benidorm Property

Benidorm property has become very popular in recent years. People from all over Europe have been purchasing property here. Some purchase a second home for their own use. Others purchase property as an investment and rent it out when not in use.

Finding Benidorm Property

You can research properties on the internet, prior to visiting the area. Real estate websites are a good resource for viewing properties. You can look at descriptions and pictures of the properties for sale. This will give you an idea of what is out there and the prices for real estate in the area.

You will want to make several visits to the area to determine the areas where you want to live. Rent properties in a different area each time you visit. This will give you some insight into the area. You will get the opportunity to see the area in the day and at night. Talk to some of the neighbours and spend time exploring the area.

Set a budget for your purchase. How much can you afford to spend? Be sure you can afford the payments, taxes and any other expenses. Even if you plan to rent the property for part of the year, be sure you can afford the payments without this income. In many cases, you will be using your primary residence as collateral on the loan. Be sure you don?t bite off more than you can chew.

When you are ready to view properties in person, contact a real estate agent. You want someone who is experienced and reputable. If you don?t speak Spanish, look for a bilingual agent. This will make communication easier. Make an appointment with the agent to visit properties on your next trip to Benidorm.

Once you have chosen where you want to live, hire a lawyer to help you. An attorney is helpful for looking out for your interests. You will want someone to look over real estate contracts and mortgage papers. The opinion of an experienced attorney can be very valuable and save you money and headaches.

An attorney in Spain will be familiar with Spanish laws regarding real estate and mortgages. He can explain these laws to you. Look for a bilingual lawyer if you don?t speak Spanish. He will be able to translate information for you so you understand what you are getting into. You will be sure to understand the terms and conditions of the contract as well as the loan.

Will You Live in or Rent Your Benidorm Property?

Consider whether the property will be for your own use or if you will rent it for part of the year. This may influence your decision on where to buy. If you plan to use the property primarily as a rental, you will want to look in more popular tourist areas. This will make the property more attractive to prospective renters.

The Costa Blanca is very busy in the summer months. Rentals tend to get booked well in advance, as much as six months in advance. In the busier tourist areas, you can get a really good price for renting your property. However, the area can get congested at this time. If you are planning to rent the home, you may want this.

If you are planning to live in Spain full time or even part time, you may not want to deal with crowds of tourists. This can be very stressful. Consider looking just outside the heavy tourist areas. You can still enjoy the beaches and attractions, but not be in the middle of the crowds. Life just outside the busy areas is much quieter for your vacation.

Another benefit of looking outside the tourist areas is the price of property. Prices are very high near the main attractions, beaches and night life. Prices are less expensive just outside these areas. You can save a significant amount of money by looking in less populated areas. You can get a bigger place here for the price of a small apartment at the center of it all.

Clinton Maxwell's summaries are published on different websites related to tips on buying Property in Benidorm Spain and Spain. His writings on Benidorm property can be encountered on in addition to other online sites.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Housing Slide Affects Lenders

The slowdown in the US housing market is leaving many of America's largest mortgage lenders to adapt new business plans.

Many lenders are cutting costs and launching new risk reduction strategies in the face of a slowing market in the $9 trillion home mortgage industry.

Slowing sales have pushed inventories of unsold homes up 39% in the past year. Many areas are seeing slower rates of home price appreciation, with a few reporting depreciation of home prices. Builders recently reported the lowest confidence in the past 14 years for the month of July.

I've never seen a soft-landing in 53 years, so we have a ways to go before this levels out, Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo said. Countrywide recently announced plans to cut costs. I have prepared the company for the worst that can happen.

Countrywide plans to cut as much as $500 million in costs over the next year, partly due to the slowing market.

Ameriquest Mortgage Company, the nation's largest subprime lender, announced earlier in the year that it will cut over a third of its 11,000 employees. Washington Mutual is also in the process of cutting mortgage-related employees.

Many lenders are tightening down, yet some are looking at this as an opportunity to expand. Many larger lenders are purchasing smaller mortgage companies. Others are exploring more lucrative mortgage products, such as payment-option ARMs.

Martin Lukac represents and, a finance web-company specializing in real estate and mortgage rates. We specialize in daily updates, mortgage news, rate predictions, mortgage rates and more. Find low home loan mortgage interest rates from hundreds of mortgage companies!

Mandatory Disclosures Seattle Tenants

There are primarily five disclosure items to keep in mind if you are a Puget Sound property owner. The first is with regard to the Landlord-Tenant laws themselves. A summary of the Washington State and City of Seattle Landlord-Tenant laws must be supplied to the tenants at least once per year. This summary highlights the obligations of both the landlord and the tenants, including provisions regarding evictions. Tenants can recover actual damages, legal costs, and penalties through private action against landlords who violate this law.

The second is with regard to the lead paint. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development requires that landlords provide prospective residents with notice of certain known information regarding lead paint and lead-based paint hazards before leases take effect. This is a federal rather than a state or local requirement, but it is a law and it is mandatory. You can find the HUD Pamphlet on lead paint and lead-based paint hazards online at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development site. If your building was built before 1978, print out the pamphlet, give it to your tenant, and have them sign or initial an acknowledgement indicating that they have received and reviewed the pamphlet.

The third is with regard to deposits. The City of Seattle requires that landlords give tenants a written receipt for each deposit. The term deposit can only be used with regard to money that can be refunded. If the money is not going to be refunded, such as a non-refundable pet deposit, it should not be called a deposit. Call it something else instead, like a Non-Refundable Pet Service Fee.. The rental agreement must be in writing and it must state what each deposit is for and what the tenant must do to get the money back. A checklist describing the condition of the unit must be filled out and the tenant must sign it and the tenant must be given a signed copy. The deposits must be kept in a trust account with a bank or escrow company and the tenants must be informed in writing where the deposits are being kept. The landlord, however has no obligation to pay interest to the tenants on the deposits being held.

The fourth is with regard to rent increases for Seattle tenants. The City of Seattle requires that landlords give tenants at least sixty (60) days notice if the landlord intends to increase rents by more than ten percent (10%) within a twelve (12) month period. Seattle landlords are also not allowed to require a month-to-month tenant to stay for more than one rental period. Rental provisions that penalize a tenant any such violations are not enforceable.

The fifth is with regard to mold. The Washington State Department of Health has a website listing Frequently Asked Questions about mold. Mold can impact human health. For some, the impact of molds can be significant. Molds may trigger asthma attacks or allergy symptoms (not unlike hay fever). Although mold and the mycotoxins they may produce are still a topic of considerable debate, they should not be tolerated in your investment properties, even if you don't live there. Landlords notify new tenants starting on July 24, 2005 and current tenants by January 1, 2006. Landlords must supply information to tenants about the the health hazards associated with mold and what steps a tenant must take to control mold. This information may be posted in a visible, public location. The mold pamphlet, which has been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, containing the required disclosure can be found here.

Anything else I should do to ensure a great landlording experience?

The best thing that a landlord can do to ensure a great experience for himself and his tenants is to manage firmly, but fairly. By that, I mean that you should fix problems promptly when they are reported, be reasonable when tenants ask for things to be done or improvements to be made, make yourself reasonably accessible in the event that they need to contact you for any reason (my tenants have my cell phone number and my email address, both at work and at home), keep the property in a well-maintained state, and try to go above the call of duty if you can. If situations arise that are unforeseeable that cause your tenants some inconvenience, consider giving them a slight break on their monthly rent simply as a gesture even if you are not contractually obligated to do so. Even a $10 reduction in rent will buy a significant amount of goodwill, which will translate into fewer calls, more reasonable requests over time and, if something really does go wrong, your tenants will be more inclined to work with you to resolve the problem.

Federal law prohibits landlords from refusing to rent to a person or imposing different rental terms on a person on account of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status (having children or seeking custody of children), or national origin. State law gives protection as well to the same individuals regarding marital status, creed, the presence of sensory, mental or physical disability. Anyone of feels that they may have been a victim of housing discrimination may file a written complaint with the Washington State Human Rights Commission or the federal Fair Urban Housing Section of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Peter is an active real estate investor in the Puget Sound Area. Peter has been married to Grace for 12 years, and they have two daughters, Sydney (7 years old) and Ashley (2 years old). Find out more about Peter at