Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sell Your Home Become an Informed Seller

Regardless of whether you decide to sell your home yourself or through an agent, you owe it to yourself to become an informed seller. Even if you're trusting the sale of your home to an agent, it's still important that you have some idea of how the process works.

First, do some basic research on home prices in your area. Make no mistake: potential home buyers will have a very good idea of what your home should sell for, and if you're too far away from a realistic price, you'll find yourself with no buyers looking at your home.

There are some things you can't change about your house, such as its location, number of bedrooms and baths, and lot size. Take them into account when pricing your home. There are other things you can change, such as paint, carpet, and landscaping. Learn how much your home is worth just as it is, and then analyze how much return you'll get on your investment if you make repairs or upgrades.

Spend a considerable amount of your preparation time cleaning and decluttering your home. Have a yard sale, rent a dumpster, and donate everything that you no longer want or need. This is one of the most cost effective things you can do before you put your home on the market. Keep a record of the money you spend to upgrade and repair the house for sale. There may be tax advantages once the home has sold.

Be familiar with the various financing options that are available in your area. You don't have to be an expert, but it will pay to be as knowledgeable as possible. That way, you won't be surprised when buyers come in with a financing option you've never heard of.

Make sure your home is being marketed in the most effective way. That doesn't mean holding a number of open houses. They're not as effective as most sellers think they are. In fact, open houses often benefit the agent much more than the seller, because they're a great way to meet home buyers. In spite of the advances in technology, the most effective sales tool is still a good old-fashioned sign in your yard.

Keep your home as clean and uncluttered as possible while it's on the market. This is also important, because rightly or wrongly, buyers associate dirt and clutter with substandard housing. Make sure your home says quality to every person who enters.

Make your own moving plans early. There are few things in the world more frustrating than to have to find and purchase a new home quickly once yours has sold, so don't wait. Start looking right away, because you never know when a buyer is going to walk into your home and fall in love. You can make the purchase of your new home contingent on the sale of your old one, so don't put off your own home search while you wait for your current house to sell.

Selling a home doesn't have to be difficult or frustrating. It should be an exciting time as you look to enter a new phase of your life. Take charge of the situation, and you can make sure that selling your house is a happy experience.

Copyright ? 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

Jeanette Fisher teaches home sellers five ways to make the highest possible profit from selling their homes. Free reports and teleseminars at

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