Monday, November 10, 2008

Is it too Late to Make Money Fixing Houses?

With the popularity of reality TV shows following real estate investors fixing houses for profits, many people would love to do the same. However, media reports on the housing bubble, too many houses for sale, and dropping prices make many wonder: is it too late to make money fixing houses?

Seasoned real estate investors understand how to make money fixing houses in any market. They've been playing the odds and making wise investments for years. Just like the stock market, real estate has its ups and downs. But the downs haven't been as bad as the stock market because people always need housing.

If you're thinking about real estate investing, you can learn from following the practices of wealthy investors. Like most investments, no guarantees of profits come with real estate. You must learn as much as possible about the business before you risk your money. Some inexperienced investors lose money buying houses that just don't turn a profit.

The key to making money with fixers in a buyer's market is to get in and out fast. The real estate market could go down in value. Usually, this takes some time. You should understand your local economy so you're prepared. Here are five tips to help you make a profit.

  • Buy low and sell for market value.
  • Buy a home that you can improve in value. If homes in the neighborhood in excellent condition only sell for a few thousands more than fixers, look for another neighborhood to invest in.
  • Plan your changes during the buying process. Be ready to fix the house right away.
  • Fix the home for a home owner who will live in the house. Profile your target buyer and select interior design details that speak to this buyer. Make your home outshine other homes for sale with extras that don't cost much like window coverings for privacy.
  • When you're ready to sell, price the home right. Make a business plan to sell with marketing psychology.
  • Each geographical area comes with its own economic conditions and possibilities. Learn about your economic outlook and explore your possibilities.

    You might not make as much from a fixer this year as you could have made last year, but you can still make a nice profit. Last year, investors frequently made over $100,000 on one fixer. This year, the same investor might expect to make only $40,000 on a similar house, which is still a good paycheck for part time work.

    Copyright ? 2006 Jeanette J. Fisher

    Free Real Estate Investing Information, teleseminars, and reports for beginning real estate investors from author Jeanette Fisher. Get a free ebook: The Truth about Making Money Flipping Houses at

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