Friday, March 20, 2009

Moving Tips Help the Stressed Buyer

Moving is a horrible thing to go through after all the stress of buying a home. I absolutely hate to move. This is partly due to the fact that we've never been able to work out the move out of the home we sold right into the new home scenario. We've always had to move twice with each purchase of a new home. From old home to rental, from rental to new home. It really doesn't make for a happy family.

There are some ways to help with the move. And they aren't the traditional, call the moving company. Here are my top tips for eliminating stress from your move.

First, start with getting rid of stuff. We always laugh and say that we get rid of half and move half. There is no reason to hang onto things that you will never ever unpack. Have a yard sale and get rid of it. Plus, you might make enough money to treat your family to something special -- like a day at the zoo. Or don't mess with the stress of a yard sale and give it all to charity. That's a tax deductable gift, if you get a receipt.

Getting rid of extra stuff not only saves you money in moving, but saves you a lot of time in packing and rearranging stuff. I go through everything as I pack it. Clothes, dishes, toys and papers are all purged. It really feels good -- you know you are starting off more organized and with less clutter.

Move room by room if possible. Don't try to tackle everything at once. If you and your friends are moving you, have them take items by room. This is a great way to move. It is also quite faster. There is no confusion and no moving of boxes into the correct room.

Don't forget to take care of a few things before you even start packing. Arrange for the utilities to be transfered. You don't want to get to your new home and have no water or lights. You should make sure that your insurance coverage will cover your belongings and both properties for the adequate amount of time. Don't cut off the insurance for the home you are leaving until you are actually gone. This is especially important if you have people helping you to move.

And finally, if you are moving a distance -- make sure you know where you are going. Have a map and a route planned. Plan where and when you will stop and how long it will take you to get to your new home. If it is a long trip, make it fun. Stop and see things along the way. Take the time to enjoy the country. Make it an adventure -- not just a move.

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1 comment:

Yasirali said...

Before you start packing your things in order to move to Miami real estate, you need to make a packaging list. In creating a list, you need to put all the things that you need to take in moving.

This process may be time consuming, but as soon as you are at your new home, all the time and effort are all worth it. The list that you made can be useful not only for packing things up but also when unpacking. With this list, you can check out all the items, if it has arrived safely or not. Make sure to keep the list so you can check out the things as you arrived to your new home. It is best to number the boxes in order for you to know that all the boxes are in.