Saturday, February 21, 2009

Take Advantage of Top Producer to Manage Buyer and Seller Leads

The National Association of Realtors recently conducted a study that found that most people select the first Realtor who follows up with them to be their buyer's or listing agent. So many Realtors fail to follow up with potential leads that it creates an opening for the few who do. Why do so few Realtors follow up with their leads when it clearly leads to success?

The problem is that simply keeping track of potential leads can be a full-time job in itself. Luckily, modern Realtors now have access to inexpensive software that can do this work for you - many programs even automatically follow up with your leads!

Taking Advantage of Top Producer

Top Producer is the leading software program for Realtors. It has a great system that uses email to keep in contact with your clients. Most buyers and sellers enjoy email because it allows them to see that you're taking care of and remembering them, but it's unobtrusive. Many buyers take up to a year to make a decision on a home, and it can be easy to forget to call. If you set up an automatic email system through Top Producer, that buyer will receive frequent messages from you, even if you've forgotten that they're still looking! What an easy way to make sure that when they do find that perfect house, they will call your number.

Top Producer Works For Low-Tech Clients As Well

For clients who don't use email or who prefer a more personal touch, you can still use technology on your end. Set up reminders in Top Producer to tell yourself to call them. Top Producer can network with your handheld device, too, and be programmed to set off an alarm when you get an alert! Use this feature and you'll never forget to stay in contact again.

Also set up reminders to send out your direct mailings. It can be tempting to put them off, but when it automatically appears on your to-do list, you'll be reminded to keep up that contact. Make sure that you don't lose a client when it can be so easy to keep everyone happy!

Brett Miller is the founder of and has created the best lead generating real estate websites in the industry and helped hundreds of real estate professionals make the most of their Internet presence. Call 888-Hoop-Jumper for a complimentary web analysis today or visit to see how HoopJumper can help you grow your business.

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