Wednesday, November 12, 2008

London Is Gearing Up For Land Prices Boom

London land for sale prices are set for quantum leap on the back of rising demand due to upcoming London Olympics.

Many land agents have suggested that the price of land in London could rise soon. According to Dan McLeod of estate agency Atkinson McLeod Almost overnight any land that can be developed will go. This is the best news for the property market in this area for years, he added.

This price rise in consonance with rise in land for sale prices during Olympics in cities which have hosted this game earlier.

According to BBC Barcelona, Sydney and Athens all saw house prices rise by more than 50% in the five years before the games but as UK property market is already suffering from severe housing shortage thus trend is expected to be more marked in London.

Investment in land for sale market in and around London is thus becoming an increasingly lucrative option for common investors.

Following types of plots of land for sale are available across London -

Brownfield Land: Brownfield Land is the common term used for previously developed land i.e. land that is or was occupied by a permanent structure. This land is often smaller, resulting in High Rise Development e.g. old petrol station and factories.

Greenfield Land: Greenfield Land simply refers to land that has never been used for development eg Farmland.

Greenbelt Land: Greenbelt Land is largely undeveloped or sparsely occupied land, which historically has been set aside to contain development, prevent towns merging and provide open space. Greenbelt boundaries can change in response to the requirements for additional housing in a controlled manner.

There are a number of companies serving smaller investors select plots of land to buy, and investments typically start at about $10,000.

While there is some opposition against moves to grant planning permission to builders on greenbelt and greenfield land but keeping in view the acute mismatch between expected demand for housing and the amount of land available for planned development these moves are unlikely to succeed. Government is implementing housing development programs which will effectively force local authorities to meet strict new housing targets.

Thus it is high time for any enterprising investors to start thinking about investing in property in and around London.

Stephen Brewood
Land For Sale in the UK

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